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Spring Harvest Update 2022

Spring Harvest Update 2022

The new harvest will be finally here soon! 

Despite all the difficulties in light of China combating Covid, our sourcing partner in China was able to make it to our favorite tea regions and secured our favorite teas and regular offerings from their true origins. True to our sourcing philosophy, we continue to source the most authentic high-mountain ecologically grown teas. 

Due to covid restraints, Victoria unfortunately hasn't been able to return to the tea mountains that she had visited each year prior to the onset of covid, but these pictures remind us of both the joys and exhaustions of many of the sourcing trips that Victoria endured. 

We are also happy to share with you a few pictures from this Spring's sourcing trip. Aren't they beautiful? 

Spring Harvest Update 2022

Above: The Beautiful Landscape of the Enshi Tujia Autonomous Prefecture tea mountains in Hebei Province. We can't wait for our customer favorite Enshi Jade Dew green tea arrive soon.

Spring Harvest Update 2022

Above:  This picture shows the farmers carrying the bags of freshly picked puerh tea leaves on the Yiwu tea mountain. The leaves need to be sent to the tea processing outpost quickly for withering before the leaves begin oxidizing. 

Spring Harvest Update 2022

Above: Sun drying is very important part of puerh tea processing. If it is not sun-dried, it will certainly be noticed when tasting your cup of tea. 

Although international shipping and logistics have been challenging for us since Covid-19 and the current situation in China could complicate this year's harvest even further, we are still very fortunate to have access to China's best teas and are hoping for our new teas to arrive soon without much delay.

Salute to tea! 

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