All Things Pu'erh Tea and a Flight of Raw and Ripen Puerh Tea Tasting
Explore and learn the fundamentals of pu'erh tea, its origin, history, terroir, unique production process, tasting profiles, aging properties, storage, and health benefits. A comparison between the two subcategories, sheng (raw) and shu (ripened/cooked) pu'erh will be studied, and attendees will gain a thorough understanding of pu'erh and its aging properties.
This class is conducted by Victoria Wu, founder of Meimei Fine Teas and a tea expert, who has been curating pu'erh teas extensively and has traveled extensively to historical pu'erh tea mountains of Yunnan, learning all about pu'erh tea from growers and tea masters, and through her studies of Chinese tea at various institutions throughout China.
Class is 1.5 hours in duration in a small classroom environment. PowerPoint slides and many field photos and videos are presented.
- An introduction to pu'erh tea, its history, culture and tradition.
- Terroir - the core producing regions of pu'erh tea and their characteristics and tasting profiles. An explanation of the differences between Garden (Tai Di Cha) pur-erh and ancient arbor tree (Gushu Cha) pu'erh.
- Contrast raw pu'erh and ripen pu'erh for their processing and aging properties.
- Taste a flight of high quality raw and ripen pu'erh from different ages and regions.
- How to properly brew pu'erh tea in gongfu style.
- The health benefits of pu'erh tea.
- how to select a high quality pu'erh and how to properly store pu'erh tea.